Gaza : Communiqué de Presse

4/1/2009 Press Release

Help Doctors Organization –France- expresses its deep concern over the deteriorated health situation in Gaza Strip due to the continuous Israeli attacks that are causing high number of causalities daily. A number that the existing medical services in Gaza strip can not handle due to the lack of equipment and medical staff.

Help Doctors Organization –France- contacted the relevant Israeli authorities in order to coordinate for its medical staff to enter Gaza Strip to assist in treating the causalities and help the Palestinian doctors in their very difficult situation. But the Israeli authorities have rejected our demand and thus prevented us from performing our humanitarian duty.

Help Doctors Organization –France- stresses that if the Israeli attacks continues over Gaza, and if the International medical staff are prevented from interfering in Gaza humanitarian catastrophe, this will lead to the collapse of the Palestinian medical system in Gaza.

Help Doctors Organization –France- holds the Israeli government fully responsible for the results of the prevention of medical help targeting the civil population of Gaza.

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